The Native Plant Store can Now be Found Here

  • This page will remain accessible as a library page until I have all the species moved to the new page and all the quirks worked out in the new software so it can function as a searchable library.
  • Please see the Using the Plant Library  page  for some tips on how to make the most of the information in this existing library to select species for creating a healthy native plant community suited to the conditions of your site.

Cryptotaenia canadensis, Canadian Honewort

~A few will be offered in the fall sale starting August 30th~

Cryptotaenia canadensis 

Canadian Honewort

  • Thrives in part shade, will tolerate full sun with lots of moisture and will grow in shadier settings but may not bloom as much
  • Average to rich soil
  • Grows 24" to 36" tall and forms a clump 12" to 18" wide
  • Grows well in garden and woodland settings.

This North American relative to Japanese Mitsuba shares their cousin’s edible nature, with the advantage of being reliably perennial in Ontario gardens.

Happiest in dappled shade with sufficient moisture, these would thrive at the edge of a woodland or on the east side of a building. They would be particularly happy near a downspout, especially if you were hoping for nice tender shoots and leaves to add to salads.

Airy umbels of white flowers appear in June, followed by edible seeds in the mid to late summer.

Growing to 24” to 36” tall and 12” to 18” wide, these aren’t prone to wandering and will only self seed lightly if left to their own devices. Easy to start from seed if you collect and care for them though.

The parent plants of these seedlings came from the Fletcher Wildlife Garden native plant sale a few year ago.

Species that were not sown / aren't being sown for 2023 are marked with an * 
Species that are native to this continent, but not historically native to Ontario are marked with a ~ 
While it rarely comes up, I do reserve the right to limit plant quantities, mostly to help ensure that as many native plant gardens as possible become a reality