Heading into Fall

The micro nursery, which roughly doubled in size from 2022 to 2023, was a success last year, with as many plants as I could grow of quite a few species selling out as soon as they were offered. It roughly doubled again for 2024 and has been my full-time work through the growing season, with bi-weekly rounds of online orders and pickups.
You can find updates about the sale and the seedlings on the A Cultivated Art Facebook page. If you are working on planning a native plant garden, you can find a recording of a presentation I prepared that includes step-by-step instructions for planning a complex native plant community. You can watch the recording here

Learning Land Care moved to a drop-in format for 2024 and we have been gathering on alternating Wednesday evenings through the mid to late summer. 
If you are interested in participating in land care activities, please let me know via my Contact page and I’ll add you to the email list I'll be using to announce gatherings. You don’t need to commit to any particular dates of number of gatherings to be on the email list.

On the design front, I’m very happy that so many people are working on converting spaces to native plantings and I’m also happy to help with the planning process and learning curve. 
To maintain a healthy level of commitments and responsibilities, I’m limiting my design availability to the times of year that the seedlings and the gardens don’t require as much of my time and attention. I’ll make site visits each year in the fall and will complete the plans over the winter. I’ve added some example pricing info to the design page and can add your name to the fall 2024 design list if you think that what I offer is a good fit for what you need.