Rudbeckia laciniata, Cut-leaved Coneflower

Rudbeckia laciniata

Cut-leaved Coneflower

  • Average to moderately wet soils, will tolerate occasional dry spells
  • Part shade, full sun, moderately deep shade (with fewer blooms)
  • 4’ to 7’ tall, 2’ to 4’ wide, spreading
  • Summer to Fall blooms
  • Ontario Native, Thrives in Meadows and Woodlands, 
  • Edible spring shoots and leaves

Growing quite tall where there is consistently available moisture, this member of the Black-Eyed-Susan family can make quite an impression in a garden or meadow setting, where their bright yellow blooms are generally present for a few weeks in the late summer.

In addition to feeding pollinators, their seed heads are consumed by finches and other small, seed feeding birds and their spring foliage is an edible green. They can form large colonies, especially when offered their preferred combination of dappled sunlight and consistently moist soil. In dryer settings I’ve found that they spread at a moderate rate and tend to remain shorter, closer to 4’ in height. 

Their edibility is described in this post by Indigenous Landscapes 

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The Online Plant Nursery will re-open for orders on Tuesday, May 17th

Pickups will begin the following week.

I will be offering plug sized plants for $1.25 each or 5 for $5. 

I'm in the process of adding species that I expect to offer this spring to the listings since they are starting to germinate and I'm starting to get an idea of which will be available in abundant quantities.

Since the list is much longer this year I've added several categories to help narrow down your options based on a variety of criteria.

For those who have already adopted seedlings, planting instructions can be found here.