Lespedeza capitata, Round-headed Bush Clover

Lespedeza capitata 

Round-headed Bush Clover 

  • Average to dry soils
  • Full Sun to light shade
  • 3’ to 4’ tall, 12” to 18” wide 
  • Late Summer Blooms
  • Ontario Native, Thriving in Meadow and Dry Meadow ecosystems, Nitrogen Fixing 

New to me, grown from seeds from Prairie Moon Nursery https://www.prairiemoon.com/lespedeza-capitata-round-headed-bush-clover-prairie-moon-nursery.html 

Stiffly upright, this late-summer-blooming member of the legume family is a host species for several moths and butterflies, while also being popular with pollinators, seed eating birds and grazers (i.e. protect them from rabbits and deer when young).

Please check out the Prairie Moon listing at the link above for more details.

Photos by Environmental Protection Agency, Aaron Carlson and Jomegat via Wikimedia Commons

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