~Not sown for 2024~
Hydrophyllum virginianum
Virginia Waterleaf
- Average to high moisture soils
- Partial to full shade
- 2’ Tall, 12” wide, spreading to form a patch if they are happy with their location
- Spring Blooms
- Ontario native, thrives in Open Woodland and Forest ecosystems
I have had poor success when it comes to germination of this species in the past, but I’m giving it another try with seeds from Prairie Moon Nursery https://www.prairiemoon.com/hydrophyllum-virginianum-virginia-waterleaf-prairie-moon-nursery.html
These are a woodland species, thriving in areas with consistently available moisture, where they can spread to form a dense patch.
Please check out the Prairie Moon listing at the link above for more details.
Photos by H. Zell, Salicyna Fritzflohrreynolds and Agnieszka Kwiecień via Wikimedia Commons